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© SouthEast Beagle Rescue Inc. 2025
7300 SW 155th St
Dunnellon, FL 34432
(855) 422-3245
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Buck II's Web Page

Beagle  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young

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About Buck II

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $150.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tricolor (Tan/Brown & Black & White)
  • Color: Tri-Color
  • Current Size: 26.2 Pounds
  • Current Age: 14 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
7/30/13 UPDATE: Buck's foster family is happy to report that he is on a regular schedule of activities: walking, eating, playing, sleeping, etc. He loves long walks and likes to move quickly. Buck is not shy and is happy to meet people, both adults and children, and other dogs on his walk. In the house, Buck has caught on well to housetraining - (although most dogs will need a refresher course when they go to a new home) - and he will currently go to the door if he needs to go potty. His foster family affectionately calls him "Bucky" and he knows his name and comes running when they call him. Buck seldom barks, but when he does, he has a very deep bark.  He loves his bed in his crate, sleeps like an angel, and often goes there on his own during the day for a little nap. Buck also really likes his toys and enjoys affection from his humans. He's a very happy dog...tail up in the air and wagging all the time.    

 BUCK II is a young Beagle with a big Cherry Eye (which has now been fixed!) that made him unadoptable at a rural shelter in the Florida Panhandle.  Hard to believe this great Beagle would have been killed because of so easily taken care of.

It did not take long to see what a wonderful Beagle BUCK II really is.  BUCK II is just a little shy, but friendly, he knows how to walk on a leash,  has had no accidents in the house, crated well last night, did well with the thunderstorm and really had no reaction to the cats we met on our walk this morning.

BUCK II  is going to make a wonderful addition to some lucky family!

Sponsors: 3w

Video of Buck II:

Other Pictures of Buck II (click to see larger version):

Buck II Buck II Buck II Buck II
Buck II Buck II Buck II Buck II
Buck II