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© SouthEast Beagle Rescue Inc. 2025
7300 SW 155th St
Dunnellon, FL 34432
(855) 422-3245
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Brother "Luke III"'s Web Page

Beagle  : :  Male (neutered)

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About Brother "Luke III"

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $200.00
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Black & Brown
  • Current Size: 20.1 Pounds
  • Current Age: 8 Years 5 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
Hi. my name is Luke III. I came with my very loved brother Bo.
I am available for being hugged and snuggled on your lap anytime of the day or night.
I enjoy being with humans and dogs. I am very fond of them!
When I look up at you I see how wonderful you truly are!
We can enjoy a calming walk in the neighborhood or go for a car ride and explore the wonder of it all.
I am the one you have been waiting for!
And if you are interested in both me and my brother Bo we can shower you with love and smiles foever.

NOTE: LUKE III came to us with a damaged left eye. He has been examined by our eye veterinarian who said the eye was damaged probably from running into a branch or somwthng while hunting.  The eye most likely became infected and, since it was never treated, scar tissue has covered most of the eye limiting sight.  LUKE III's eye is sensitive to light and motion so he probably has some very limited vision in his left eye.  The veterinarian said he would neither expect the eye to get any better nor any worse.

Other Pictures of Brother "Luke III" (click to see larger version):

Brother Brother Brother Brother